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Marian Hubler

Bread & Roses Launches New Website

Redesign created by Salesforce offers visitors streamlined experience to support healing live music for isolated Bay Area audiences

Bread & Roses Presents, a nonprofit arts organization with a human services mission, announced today the launch of its newly revamped website resulting from an innovative partnership with the creative team at Salesforce in San Francisco.

“We are extremely fortunate to be the second non-profit organization to have the expertise and state-of-the-art approach of the Salesforce digital cretive team to produce our website re-design. As a result of Salesforce’s guidance, our many constituents will be able to better understand our program and get involved with our organization in a more streamlined way,” said Dave Perron, Executive Director of Bread & Roses Presents. “The partnership began with our involvement bringing live music to Dreamforce in 2015. We are grateful to Marc Benioff for his pioneering leadership in supporting non-profit organizations and the many ways he gives back to the community.”

The redesigned website guides visitors on a journey to experience what happens on a daily basis at Bread & Roses programs where volunteers bring music and the performing arts to audiences who need it most. Through blog stories, photos and video, visitors will understand the benefits received -- in more than 600 annual Bread & Roses programs -- by people who are isolated in institutional settings throughout the Bay Area.

“People who want to get more involved by volunteering, or donating to our organization will find it easy to do so,” said Jay Silverberg, Board Chairman at Bread & Roses. “The new website will greatly increase our visibility and attract new supporters to the stories of our ongoing work as well as the latest news about our organization.” Visitors are encouraged to explore the website and "Subscribe" for direct updates from Bread & Roses.

Bread & Roses was founded in 1974 by the late Mimi Fariña, a singer-songwriter/ guitarist who understood the healing power of music for those facing challenging times while living apart from family and friends in diverse institutional settings. A steadfast Bay Area non-profit now in its fifth decade, more than 1,000 volunteer performers, program hosts and other contributors help the shows go on for more than 34,000 audience members every year.

Photos by Peter Merts

1) Children at Berkeley YMCA Head Start South during a performance by Caterpillar Puppets, 2017.

2) The Lick Wilmerding Chamber Group at Jewish Home San Francisco, 2016.

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