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Who We Are

Our founder, the late Mimi Fariña, was a musician who understood the healing power of live music and the performing arts for those facing challenging times while living apart from family and friends. The organization she founded is now a steadfast Bay Area nonprofit in its fifth decade. More than 1,000 performers, program hosts, and other volunteers help over 625 shows go on each year for more than 36,000 audience members.

Our Mission & Values

We are dedicated to uplifting the human spirit by providing free, live, quality entertainment to people who live in institutions or are otherwise isolated from society.

Our History

Inspired by a 1912 poem by James Oppenheim, musician Mimi Fariña selected "Bread & Roses" to convey the spirit of the nonprofit she founded in 1974. Her legacy lives on to this day as the vibrant program that she created continues to benefit those who need music most. 

Meet our team

We have a talented team of professionals — from our Staff, to our Board, to our Advisors —an extended community that helps to sustain and continue Mimi Fariña's mission.

Join Us

Join a team of highly committed individuals who are inspired by the everyday magic of Bread & Roses daily shows for youth, adults and seniors facing challenging times around the San Francisco Bay Area. 

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